Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

We got the proofs back from Gabriella’s school pictures. Here are the quick scans:

6 Nov 2009

Gabriella’s School Pictures 2009

Author: webmaster | Filed under: Uncategorized

We ordered donuts for Gabriella’s school birthday party, then last night we found out the party was moved to next week.
I guess we’ll be eating donuts for breakfast, lunch and dinner…

14 Oct 2009

Birthday Donuts (Round 1)

Author: webmaster | Filed under: Uncategorized

Gabriella lost an upper front tooth tonight:

13 Oct 2009

The Nerdy Hillbilly

Author: webmaster | Filed under: Uncategorized

13 Sep 2009


Author: webmaster | Filed under: Uncategorized

5 Sep 2009

Sidewalk Chalk

Author: webmaster | Filed under: Uncategorized

We got 6 inches of snow today. We took the girls out for some snowman building and snow angel making. They had a blast. It wasn’t horribly cold and the snow was perfect for packing.

28 Mar 2009

6″ Snow Blizzard

Author: webmaster | Filed under: Uncategorized

Gabriella: My hand tastes like mud. Blech!
Daddy: Then stop licking it.

6 Mar 2009

Quote Of The Day

Author: webmaster | Filed under: Uncategorized

26 Feb 2009

The Strawberry Tongue

Author: webmaster | Filed under: Uncategorized

22 Feb 2009

Gabriella’s Bendaroo Art

Author: webmaster | Filed under: Uncategorized

21 Feb 2009

Towel Head

Author: webmaster | Filed under: Uncategorized