4 Dec 2006

Frosty The Snowman

Author: webmaster | Filed under: Uncategorized

4 Responses to “Frosty The Snowman”

  1. Gabriella… you are so precious!!! EverytimeI see you sing Frostie, my heart just about melts… I get a huge smile on my face and my heart sings with you! I love to see you singing! Anytime I need a warm spot in my heart I casn click on and instantly I am wearing a smile! I love you with all my heart!!! … and I do your sweet little cissie, Olivia, too! Hope to see ya soon! Love, Aunt Steph

  2. My little darling Gabriella you sure know how to make your PaPa proud; and just to think this is only the beginning.

  3. Kasey Price says:
  4. Gabriella, you are the best singer in the world. I can’t sit and watch you sing on the computer with a straight face. I tell all my friends to look at your website at school, they all love you. I love you too, hope to see you soon.

  5. Zach(Kaseys friend) says:
  6. You are a very good singer Gabriella!